Austin 7 Owner's Club Member (London)

Rod's Home Page

Welcome to my web-pages, devoted to some of my vintage hobby interests. I hope you find them interesting and informative.



About the Author

1934 Austin 7 Deluxe Saloon

Vintage Radio

The Advocate Magazine March 1927 (Vol 16 No.3)

With the passage of time I have acquired a growing fascination with the early technology from which so many things we take for granted today have been developed. On the mechanical front, this interest was first triggered when the 1934 Austin Seven featured on these pages was handed down to me from within the family in the early 1980s, prompting a restoration project that took all of 3 years to complete.

Another field of my interest centres around radio and electronics. What originally began as a childhood hobby, involving a huge range of electronic construction projects, paved the way to a long standing professional career in the field. Unfortunately, a profession gained became a hobby lost! It is partly for this reason that my interest has turned to the historical development of telecommunications technology, enabling me to rekindle my interests from a hobbyist angle through the collection, restoration and preservation of vintage wireless sets and similar items.

These web-pages are my initial attempts at laying down information relating to my collection and will be added to over the course of time.

1934 Austin 7 Deluxe Saloon

Vintage Wireless

Last updated 27th February 2005